Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall Festivities

Oh my, I am a little behind. I haven’t been visiting this space as much as I would like lately. Life with two little ones is quite busy these days. It seems as if they consume every moment of my time.

We have had a fun Fall (my favorite time of the year). We visited the orchard a couple of times, have eaten all things apple and pumpkin, and taken several lovely neighborhood walks. We enjoyed Halloween parties and time with friends. Emilia wore her costume to our neighborhood party, school party, dance class, and trick or treating. She loved dressing as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz because she LOVES the movie. We put a hat on Jude and called him the lion from The Wizard of Oz. I think they were both pretty adorable.






Now the winter holidays are just around the corner and that makes us smile around here. We’re already singing Jingle Bells!