Emilia playing with her sweet play food. I found this adorable handmade wool felt sugar cookie/baking set at this Etsy shop. I adore it. We may start baking real cookies together soon. Be still my heart.
Looking at sweet books. A new book titled, You Are My Work of Art. I adore it, too. As well as, a new coloring book from Uncle Ryan. It’s Elmo and Friends and she loves it.
Sweet moments during Open Gym at Gymboree. Emilia made a few Valentine crafts for loved ones and worked on her climbing skills. Oh, and she has a mini obsession with Gymbo.
Sweet treats. I made Valentine Oreo Truffles - my mini obsession with chocolate.
Sweet flowers from my Sweetie.
I hope your day was sweet as well.
I encourage all of my Mom friends to check out, Enjoying the Small Things. Kelle, mom of two, has written a beautiful memoir, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected. You will find a trailer for the book on her webpage. I’m looking forward to reading this incredibly sweet story about the strength of a mother’s love.
Sweet pics! :)