I wanted to do an Earth Day craft with her. So, we took a coffee filter, scribbled it with green and blue washable markers. Next, we sprayed it with a water bottle a couple of times. The water began to fade the colors a bit. Next, it dried for about thirty minutes. We then glued the filter to a black piece of construction paper. Planet Earth, pretty neat!
We read how Biscuit helps take care of our green world by planting seeds and cleaning up.
We spent some time outdoors, enjoying nature and all it’s beauty. A stop to feed the ducks and fish after story time, then a trip to the playground for swinging. It was a gorgeous day.
(baby ducks)
Here are a few kind things you can do for the environment with your children -
* Recycle as much as you can.
* Conserve water by not leaving the water on when brushing your teeth.
* When shopping, use recyclable bags.
* When not at home or in a room, keep lights off.
* Teach your children to grow veggies, herbs, plants, and trees.
* Build a birdhouse in your backyard.
Imagine if everyone took the time to try just one of these suggestions…
Happy Earth Day!
Love the craft and pics! :) We've been studying Earth Day all week! We're going to post a special video soon about things we can do to keep our Earth happy and clean! Thanks for sharing! Come see us sometime!