Emilia’s birth was a scheduled c-section because she was in the breech position. During delivery I experienced uterine atony, which means the uterus doesn’t contract properly after delivery. I hemorrhaged and was given two units of blood. The recovery was tough and this time around, I knew that I wanted to attempt a vaginal birth after c-section. Around 10:00 pm on Sunday night my water broke and contractions came very fast and very strong. We quickly called for someone to sit with Emilia and phoned our family, then hurried to the hospital. When I arrived I had dilated to 9 centimeters and was very close to delivering. Labor had moved very quickly and Jude was born with no drugs, close to an hour after arriving at the hospital. Once again, after delivering I experienced hemorrhaging and received four units of blood. The placenta was attached to scar tissue and a vein ruptured, as well. Recovery has been a little easier this time, compared to surgery. I am thankful for all the staff at the hospital and wonderful family members who help tremendously.
We are blessed with two healthy children. Jude is a precious baby boy who joins his big sister to make our family of four a very happy one, indeed. I thank God for our many blessings.
(Last day that Jude was in my tummy.)
(Nana took this one.)
After taking a day to recover, we decided it was time for Emilia to come to the hospital with her grandparents to meet her baby brother for the first time. We gave her a special “big sister” necklace when she arrived. She brought a basketball teddy bear to give to her brother. The moment they met was so sweet. She looked at him in awe. She smiled and kissed him, and he opened his eyes to see her as well. It was so special, I began to cry. My heart was filled with love for my babies at that moment. I’ll never forget it.
We celebrated Jude’s birthday with cupcakes!
The next day our girl arrived all dressed up. We packed up and brought our family home. Welcome home, Jude!
I’ve been taking time to rest (thanks to my mom, mother in law, and husband, all of which are amazing people to have), and enjoy my sweet family for the past week or so. My heart swells with love for them.
Sweet, sweet! Cant wait to meet baby Jude! :)