Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So, we lost about the last six months worth of photos and video along with everything thing else on our hard drive this week. Life has been so busy for us since we moved, that the photos had somehow not been backed up since November. I cried, and then cried some more. They are not just photos, they are memories. I was most sad about losing pictures of our first Christmas in our new home, as well as the monthly pregnant baby bump photos we had taken thus far. Also, Emilia has grown the most she has ever grown in the last six months. I hate not being able to look back on that. Even my very intelligent IT husband couldn't recover the loss this time. I suppose I'll pick the camera back up soon and start making more memories.

For now, here is an Instagram photo of our girl at the playground. She's a hoot!

Posted from my iPhone


  1. Again, so sorry to hear about this! :( Love this cutie pie! I think she looks a lot like you these days! :)

  2. Oh that is awful... I can't wait to see you all very soon!!
