Sunday, April 29, 2012


Emilia has been loving the outdoors, lately.We got her a sand and water table and it is a big hit. The weather was perfect for her first day of play. She played for two hours in the warm sun and was worn out.


Yesterday was Arbor Day so we enjoyed the late morning at the Children’s Garden. Emilia loved the puppet show, digging in the dirt, and smelling the freshly planted flowers and herbs.


On a side note, my camera lens stopped working correctly about a month ago. I’ve been using another camera. I haven’t been as happy with my photos, and missed using the good camera. After having a professional look at it, we finally decided to get a new lens and it should be here in a few days. Just in time for our vacation. Whoo Hoo! Chris and I are going to California for about a week. I. can. not. wait.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Earth Day. Everyday.

Earth Day will be celebrated around the globe this weekend. As a parent, it is important to me, to teach Emilia about Earth Day, as she and other children will be the caretakers of our planet in years to come. I want to teach her the importance of being Green not just one day, but every day, and how this can help keep the environment free from further damage.


I wanted to do an Earth Day craft with her. So, we took a coffee filter, scribbled it with green and blue washable markers. Next, we sprayed it with a water bottle a couple of times. The water began to fade the colors a bit. Next, it dried for about thirty minutes. We then glued the filter to a black piece of construction paper. Planet Earth, pretty neat!


We read how Biscuit helps take care of our green world by planting seeds and cleaning up.

We spent some time outdoors, enjoying nature and all it’s beauty. A stop to feed the ducks and fish after story time, then a trip to the playground for swinging. It was a gorgeous day.


(baby ducks)

Here are a few kind things you can do for the environment with your children -

* Recycle as much as you can.
* Conserve water by not leaving the water on when brushing your teeth.
* When shopping, use recyclable bags.
* When not at home or in a room, keep lights off.
* Teach your children to grow veggies, herbs, plants, and trees.
* Build a birdhouse in your backyard.

Imagine if everyone took the time to try just one of these suggestions…

Happy Earth Day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I’ve been taking Emilia to a Mommy and Me dance class, once a week for a few weeks. It was fun and free, that’s the best part. Emilia really enjoyed learning how to Plie, Releve, and, Chasse. Basic ballet moves that are new for me, too. Her favorite part was the ballet barre and balance beam, which is actually on the floor for the little girls. I loved seeing the sweet babes in their dance attire.

dance pic 1

dance pic 2

dance pic 3

dance pic 4

dance pic 5

dance pic 6

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Chocolate Nests

    It’s a nest. It’s a treat. It’s a bird nest you can eat!


They are so simple to make. Chocolate, Chow Mein Noodles, and Cadbury Mini Eggs. Melt, Mix, Form. So sweet for and Easter treat.


Emilia sampled and she approved. This girl will eat anything, but I think she likes chocolate.


     Just like her Momma. Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Real Easter Bunny

Emilia saw a real Easter bunny, yesterday. His name was Alexander the Great. I loved him! I asked if I could take him home, they said no. He was so soft and cute. She loved him, too. We - Pat the Bunny (one of Emilia's favorite books) then had lunch with Chris. It was a lovely afternoon.

Posted from my iPhone