Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Son

On the heels of the Royal Baby Boy’s arrival, I am sitting here holding my sleeping babe and thinking of my son.


I have always wanted a son. I think there is a special relationship between mother and son.  I’ve always wanted a daughter as well, so I have the best of both worlds. I look forward to all the big bear hugs we will share, all the scraped knees I will kiss, and broken hearts I will help mend. I only hope that he will grow up to be a great husband and father like his Dad. I look forward to the relationship they will share as well. Not to mention, the relationship he will share with his sister. I look forward to seeing them as playmates and friends. I pray they will always love and respect each other. I think the greatest gift you can give a child as a parent is a sibling. I love my son and thank God for blessing us with his beautiful smile.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jude’s 1st Bath

We gave Jude his first bath and I would call it a success. He didn’t seem to cry as much as his sister did during her first bath. Emilia wanted to be a big helper and wash him too. Sweet!
