Saturday, February 4, 2012

Joseph-Beth Story Time

I’ve been taking Emilia to Joseph-Beth Booksellers  for story time since before she could sit up. We go to story time at the library as well. I must tell you this girl LOVES books. Before she was born, Chris and I started buying books for her at Joseph-Beth and other bookstores. We wanted to start a collection for her and hoped that she would enjoy them. I think most parents want their kids to like books and reading, but our girl truly does. Her favorite thing to do at home is look at books. She likes her toys but her books come first. That makes us incredibly happy.

She has always enjoyed story time. Ms. Amanda is great at reading and singing nursery rhymes. Emilia loves to sing and clap her hands. However, she is finally big enough to walk around and explore things on her own. So, recently she spends more time doing that than participating in stories and rhyme. If you’ve never been to the bookstore you’re really missing out. It’s awesome for kids and adults, if I do say so myself.

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The weather has been fantastic, so a stop to see the ducks and fish just outside was perfect.


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